Friday, March 03, 2006


this picture was taken march 10 2005, six days after four rcmp were brutally murdered in mayerthorpe, alberta. these members are from golden, bc, and they came to stay at our house so they could attend the funerals of Const. Peter Schiemann, 25; Const. Anthony Gordon, 28; Const. Lionide Johnston, 34; Const. Brock Myrol, 29. these are some of the men (and woman) that my father serves with in his detachment.

i remember driving them to emily murphy park that morning... that was where they would start the one kilometer march to the butterdome where the services were held. i can't tell you how in awe i was about what i saw... i don't know how many officers attended that funeral, and i mean rcmp, city police, even firefighters, from all over canada. even from the states. i would doubt if ever there has been so many law officers in one place before. it was so incredibly sad, i was so overwhelmed. my heart ached for the families... and i couldn't get out of my mind the picture of the new widow holding her very pregnant tummy. i still think about her, i wonder how her baby is and how she is. i just don't understand.

god bless all of those who make such risks and sacrifices to keep us safe.

thank you.

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Anonymous said...

Wow, your post was so touching and heartfelt. This must have been very difficult for you. :(

Tammy Brownlee said...

Thanx for sharing this Janna. I still am in shock that this terrible tragedy occurred. I do wonder about the pregant wife as well.