Tuesday, August 29, 2006

and the winner is....

coming from the beautiful town of banff, alberta, the winner of this rak is:

congrats, stacy! send me an email & give me your order! talk to you soon!

thanks to all the ladies who entered! be sure to check back for more fun!



Vee said...

congrats stacy!
hey janna!!
wish it was me even thought I need to alter what I have
never can have too much of a good thing!
have a great wednesday!! :)

Greta Adams said...

congrats to you on that fabu letter you scored!!

tara said...

Congrats Stacy!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi janna, hope you enjoy this tag...great journalling idea if nothing else...

everyone has a little bit of weird in them and that is what makes us special unique and beautiful...i am tagging you and asking you to share 5 of the weird wonders that are you...www.michelletgidosh.typepad.com

check it out if you like


Stacy said...

Janna~ how in the world did I miss this???? Maybe, cuz I have been neglecting the blog-o-sphere just a tad lately!!!! You have totally made my day!! :) I'll e-mail tonight after board meeting!!