Monday, June 26, 2006

love this shirt

i got this shirt for caleb when i was down in provo at target. love it... should have bought it in every available size. my very adventurous boy has injured himself more in two years than my eight year old daughter has ever done, by far. he seriously hurts himself every day, and is always adding a new bruise/cut/goose egg to his body. beats the cast he wore on his leg when he was 16 months.

that's my boy:)



Vee said...

i love that shirt
i need to getthat for my little stunt man
he thinks he is a power ranger,spiderman,ninja all in one.

D@nielle said...

Hee Janna, wish we had target over here, that sounds like a t-shirt for my youngest Colin ... But I thank god he hean't broken anything yet but he manages to find the pointy things in the house and trips over a hair.... grts, D@nielle

Anonymous said...

love that shirt!!!!